Homework Policy

Homework assignments made by the teacher should be completed by the student and turned in at the time designated. Copying another student’s homework (plagiarism) is not an acceptable practice at Calvary Christian School. Doing so is considered a form of cheating and will result in an automatic grade of zero.

Upper school students will have one day for each day absent to make up work, provided the absence is excused. A plan for making up work for an extended period of absence should be worked out with each teacher. If he/she misses only the day of an announced test or quiz, he/she will be required to take the test or quiz when he/she returns to school. If a student is going to be absent the day that a major assignment is due, the assignment must be submitted to the teacher by 3:15 p.m.

Dishonesty in any form, including cheating, and plagiarism will result in zero for the assignment and an automatic suspension; this guideline also applies to the person copying as well as to the person knowingly supplying the material to be copied.